Place to help you relieve all stress and fatigue after a long trip. Combining therapeutic methods with typical traditional relaxation courses with rare herbs, will help you quickly regain balance for your body, flexibility and help you recover new energy after a series of days visit and explore.
Relaxion & lightness
Entering the Royal Spa, the first feeling is the relaxation, lightness from the scent of aromatic conditioner, mixed with the melodious music, creating a strange “Peace” space.

Bringing a variety of wellness services, focusing on regaining the balance between mind and body through special massage treatments and full body package. Our dedicated and experienced staff will help you relieve your tiredness and be more beautiful.

Detoxing your body
We believe that when visitors come to the Royal Spa ,they will be completely conquered by comprehensive beauty care facilities, recovery from the inside that help our beloved guest relieve all the pressure and stress after along day exploring Danang city.
9:00 – 21:00
+ 84 (0) 236 730 6666